Snack and Soft Drink Vending Machines

Meet Brent and Angelika. Both serve as regular pioneers.  They support themselves part time in Canada from vending machines.  You know the type - soft drinks and snacks. They have these machines strategically placed at various businesses and they keep them stocked.

Why it works for pioneers
These two work as a team.  They buy the snacks and soft drinks at Costco, fill the machines and collect the money.  As long as they do all things things during business hours, they can pretty much chose their own hours.  It's the flexibility that makes this work.

How they got started
Brent tagged along with a brother one day whose job it was to find locations for the machines.  He worked for Pepsi.  The process was simple - go to the manager of a large factory/store and ask if you can place a machine there.  If there was one already there, ask if you can replace it with a newer, nicer one.  If he agreed, sign a contract.  And so it went, similar to the ministry - calling on all the not-at-homes, following up on all interest.  Until a route was established.

Demands on Time
Since it is quite seasonal (people drink more in the summer), Angelika works about 12 hours a week - 4 hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Brent works the same.  But in the winter they cut that in half.

Earning potential
This mostly depends on the location of the machines, but it averages about $600 / month profit per machine.  It also greatly depends on whether the office/store/factory has air conditioning.  They have 6 machines.  They certainly aren't millionaires, but it supports them.  They could get more locations for their machines, but they keep it simple and minimal.

Overseas potential
Brent and Angelika have gone overseas to serve on preaching campaigns, but they are pretty much tied to the location of their machines.  When they leave for an extended period of time, they hire a younger local brother to take care of it.  But of course they pretty much do not make any money during that time.

Reality check
There is a significant initial investment.  These machines can cost from $1500 to $5000 each.  The trick is to bring a brochure (which the seller would be happy to provide) showing the machine and show it to the manager of the potential location.  Tell him you will place it there ONLY if he agrees to a 5 year contract to allow you to have it there.

It's also worth mentioning that companies like Coke and Pepsi will give the machines for free BUT you have to buy their products and only put their products in their respective machines.  Of course you pay more when you buy the products from them.  However you can bypass the initial investment.  Brent and Angelika chose not to go this route.

Additionally, it is a competitive business.  People will try to undercut you and take your location.

This is a great pioneer job that can pay well if you work at it and can afford the initial purchase of equipment.  It's drawback is that it cannot be done remotely unless you hire someone, and usually when that is done, it gets complicated.


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