Evaluating the Ideal Pioneer Job

We are all looking for it. The perfect job to pioneer.  I outline the criteria below for how I evaluate each job discussed in this journal.  I like to focus on ones that allow working overseas. Here are my evaluation criteria.

How much time does it demand?
We all know some people, even some cultures, that pioneer and work full time. But let's face it, most of us are not made of that.  So three days per week, or maybe 2 or less is ideal. Also, how flexible are the hours.

Can the work days be moved around? Do you need to be on call constantly, carrying a mobile phone with you, even in the ministry?  Important questions.

Earning potential
Lets face it, most part time jobs do not pay enough to support yourself. Pioneers need a little more.  The most valuable commodity anyone posesses is time.  And from that perspective we need the most bang for our buck.

Overseas potential
Any job that gives the flexibility to work overseas is a real find.  These are gold mines for pioneers and allow serving as need-greaters in other countries.  These are the jobs I like to write about.

Reality check
Every job has its downsides. The only perfect secular job exists on the other side of Armageddon. This is where I will discuss any drawbacks.

So that's the criteria.  You will see that every job is evaluated under those criteria.  Each blog post is a real pioneer who does the job.

I would love to hear about your job if you feel is scores well under those criteria.  Contact me and share your idea.


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